Another year is nearly over and a challenging one at that. We have certainly experienced a lot of change in how we live and potential more changes we have to make for the future of the environment we live in. In 2022, we will look at ways we can all watch our carbon footprint and do our best to become carbon neutral. We are bringing on several specialists writers to bring you articles on what we can do locally to make the environment healthier for generations to come.
It is also the time of year to show gratitude and think about what you are grateful for. There is no doubt I am grateful for the opportunity to bring you this magazine. I have had so many calls from residents on how much they enjoy receiving the magazine every month and getting up to date with what is happening in the borough. It is a huge honour to put this together for you and so nice to know it’s appreciated.
Have you booked tickets for Windsor Illuminated yet? The cover of the magazine is an image of one of the areas you will see as part of the walk around The Great Park from The Savill Garden. It looks amazing and I am looking forward to going.
There are so many Christmas events for you to take advantage of across the borough. The Chertsey Goose Fair, The Egham Christmas Fayre and lots of other events for you to book and attend.
It will be so nice to be able to spend this Christmas with Family and Friends. Please still be vigilant with mask wearing and make sure you get your jabs. We have so much to look forward to in 2022.
Wishing you a very happy and healthy Christmas season.
Yours faithfully,