Well here we are the end of 2020. One of the most difficult years’ for the majority of us. Without question, many (if not all of us) will be glad it’s over and look forward to better times ahead.
Some goods things have come out of 2020. Many of us have had the opportunity to work from home and enjoy the comforts of no commute. It has enabled us to become more aware of our surroundings, including the community, giving us quality of life instead of quantity.
I am pleased that residents have engaged so much with Chertsey Life, and I am currently looking at other areas in Runnymde to extend our news, information, and community spirit. We have expanded our distribution into Lyne & Longcross and are looking at a new issue for other towns and villages in Runnymede in 2021.
There are good things happening out there, and if we look a bit closer to home, we can reach others and make a difference to someone else. That’s what community is about.
Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and as we venture into 2021, a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Yours faithfully,