The Chertsey Society encouraged the setting up of the modern day Goose Fair in the first years of this 21st century in Chertsey’s conservation area in Guildford St. The Chertsey Chamber of Commerce then had a Chairman in the large shape of the late Tony Hopkins who ran a shop opposite the late Woolworths in Guildford Street. His secretary, The Chamber’s secretary, and the Chertsey Society’s secretary was the same energetic person, Mary Lowther. Mary was very enthusiastic along with others in the Chamber in putting the Goose Fair together in Guildford Street. Her work was to start making arrangements in January by contacting stallholders from far and wide and including others like Southern Radio, the St Peter’s Church bell ringers, The Chertsey Scouts.

Runnymede Borough Council and the Surrey County Council were approached to close off Guildford Street for a few hours on a December Saturday. On the Goose Fair day itself there was disappointment for Mary and the Goose Fair organisers as some stall holders decided not to come without giving any reason and which left gaps in the dedicated pitches in Guildford Street. At that time the Chertsey Society had a Town Crier, but not in the specially made present uniform we see today. After a few years the Goose Fair fizzled out, Mary and her husband moved away and some key Chertsey Chamber of Commerce members moved away or died, so there was a gap at this festive time of year in Guildford St.
In recent years the new Chertsey Goose Fair has reappeared with renewed energy by Mark and Jane Nuti together with Chris Ball BEM and The Chertsey Chamber of Commerce and supported by like minded public spirited individuals. The Chertsey Society sponsored Town Crier Steve Pile now leads the parade with the Mayor of Runnymede, The Oatlands Pipe Band, various entertainers, and a jazz band, and others. Guildford Street has plenty of stall holders selling many and various Christmas wares. A special place is reserved for live geese who step about in pens drawing admiring comments from the visitors.

The Chertsey Society has a place in the mall with screens packed with information on matters dealing with the local amenities of Chertsey and district and there are always members of the public who like to quiz our committee with penetrating questions on flooding and local road developments etc.
The Friends of Chertsey Museum always dress up in ancient costume for their gazebo, and there is a ‘snow’ machine placed in Guildford Street. In Windsor Street the Chertsey Scouts have their Christmas post operating, and St. Peter’s bells ring out from the tower, which is the oldest building in Chertsey. These recent festive Goose Fairs have been well supported even when the occasional spells of rain have appeared. In spite of Covid 19 it is clear it will not dampen the verve and enthusiasm which will go into the presenting the historic Goose Fair in the years to come.