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Latest Issue
Welcome to the March issue – Spring is in the air!
So far this year has been full of exciting opportunities, interviewing Jane and Andrew Black, rescuers of
The Cobham Bookshop and owners of Chasemore Stud Farm – if you’re a budding entrepreneur you will enjoy Andrew’s story.
We were also invited to attend the Princess Royal’s visit to D’Oyly Carte Island for our contribution to helping revive the island, it was a magical day and one I’ll never forget.
On that note – hopefully the Summer concerts will be going ahead despite the local council issues (Lord knows we could do with some fun in our lives so watch this space and if anyone can make it happen, owner Andy Hilll will).
We’ve made firm friends with wonderful Georgie Hillier who owns Nettie Knows who she arranged our incredible fashion shoot with her cousin actress Gemma Bissix modelling. And lastly but most importantly – Curated by Community Life Weybridge Artisan Market is being launched on March 23rd -in Weybridge – so please come on down! And…if you like it…next stop will be Esher!
Best Wishes,