Dear residents of Lyne, Longcross, Ottershaw, Thorpe and Virginia Water
The Surrey Transport Plan 2022 to 2032 and beyond
Surrey County Council has recently published a draft Transport Plan which sets out the County’s approach to reducing carbon emissions from transport by transforming Surrey’s streets, improving public transport and creating a new network of cycling lanes and pedestrian walkways across the County.
The draft Plan sets out specific proposals for the developing of safer and greener ways of travelling and accessing services and opportunities. And an uptake of technology such as electric vehicles and the increased availability of electric charging points, will be integral to achieving these challenging aspirations for our county.
Why not share your views on the County’s proposals?
Public consultation, which started in July ends on 24 October 2021. More details of the draft Plan and how to participate can be found by going to Have Your Say Today – Surrey Transport Plan – Commonplace
A Kitsmead Lane Clean Up
Residents of Lyne and Longcross will have noticed that the Kitsmead Lane path, neglected for a number of years, has been given a “makeover”.
I would like to acknowledge the persistent effortof local residents and the Runnymede and also the Surrey Green Spaces teams, for their collective efforts to clear the path. A great team effort.
I am now going to turn my attention, together with Cllrs Howorth and Coen, to cleaning and clearing the pavements and verges on Callow Hill, Virginia Water. Also, Stonehill Road, towards Chobham Common requires attention.
If there is a road or Green Open Space in any part of the wider Division that needs attention, please contact me at
The Ottershaw Roundabout
Following extensive discussions involving senior Surrey officials, borough councillors, local residents and your County councillors, a new roundabout design is to be published, ahead of public consultation, expected in late October 2021.
I have already publicly committed to holding a public meeting so that all Ottershaw residents can see the latest design and directly quiz the Surrey officials responsible for work undertaken to date.
The meeting is going to take place on 13 October from 7pm to 8.00pm. Due to lingering concerns in respect of public health, the meeting will have to take place online.
If you would like to attend, hear about the latest plans and have your say, please contact to register your interest and you will be sent a link to the meeting. I very much look forward to seeing you on the night.
Speeding Surveys on Foxhills Road, Longcross and Trumps Green Road, Virginia Water
The Surrey Highways Team carried out speed surveys on Foxhills and Trump Green roads in July and August 2021. The speed of all vehicles travelling in both directions and also the average vehicle speeds were recorded.
The results of both surveys were then assessed, together with the road safety record for each road, by specialist road safety officers from the County and Surrey Police, in order to determine what steps could be taken to help reduce vehicle speeds.
I am very pleased to report that in respect of Foxhills Road, it was agreed the location should be prioritised for speed enforcement, using mobile camera equipment due to the relatively high average speed recorded. The use of speed cameras is a Surrey Police responsibility but rest assured, I will be pressing them to take this step as soon as possible.
Happily, the survey recorded a better level of compliance with the speed limit on Trumps Green Road. However, this road will be included in the Runnymede speed management plan for the forthcoming year and speeds will continue to be monitored and the site reassessed in the near future. I will continue to press for additional speed safety tests in the coming months, and also for a further speed survey to be carried out on Wellington Avenue.
A Community Allocation
As your County Councillor, I have £5000 a year to allocate to local community projects. I am delighted to announce that the Virginia Water and Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forums have both been allocated funding this year, as they continue their work to towards developing and delivering Neighbourhood Plans of their own. I am also delighted that BRAG (Brox Road Action Group) have received funding that will go towards community projects that they are planning in the months ahead.
If you are a local community group looking for funding to support a specific project, please do get in touch with me at

Best wishes,