A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that mastering the sequence of steps in an old time dance (or any dance for that matter) exercises your brain as well as your feet. It concluded that it will also help with ankle strength, stability and balance, as well as helping to keep the brain active and help fend off dementia.
Faster dances also help to burn off the calories.
Research in the Music and Medicine Journal suggests that Latin dances boost the sex hormones of both men and woman and that it leaves them feeling more bonded to one another.
Glasgow Caledonian University research found that dancing is good for bone density thanks to the exercise involved.
A psychologist in an Australian study found that the cure of depression was helped as the brain switches off negative thoughts whilst dancing.
Dancing in like-minded company to pleasant music induces a feeling of camaraderie – great for stress relief.
The English National Old Time Dance Society in Addlestone set out their aims and objectives to not only keep you healthy but also to actively preserve, promote and further traditional old time music & dancing. We have a United & Dedicated Committee which encompasses a wealth of talent, knowledge and experience, gained first hand over many years covering all aspects of traditional old time music & dancing.
This wonderful world of old time music & dance which we have inherited from past generations, was the very music and dance of our Parents, Grandparents and even our Great Grandparents generations, it’s very soundtrack moulded and shaped Great Britain and it’s Empire from early Victorian times through two World Wars up until quite recently.
It was forged and created over many generations by a host of Dedicated and Determined Professionals of the highest calibre Teachers, Dancers, Musicians, Composers, and Arrangers, and this unique art form became the very essence of our English Culture and Heritage – Left to us as a Legacy in Trust.
This all goes to prove that dancing is an aid to good health and why you should consider taking up dancing or coming back to it.
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