As editor of Community Life Magazines, I do my best to remain impartial and act only to present information over many community news and views, and that includes politics. One view I do have is that everyone should do their best to exercise their democratic right to vote. With the upcoming local elections in the Runnymede Borough on 6th May, I was approached by parties to place advertising and make you aware of candidates either up for re-election or looking to become your local councillor. These individuals work on behalf of the community and do their best to better our lives, thus we have included information in this issue for you to be more informed to be able to cast your vote.
As schools are back in session once again, it is now time to focus on the 2021/2022 academic year.
You will also be able to have a better understanding of the school system to make decisions on behalf of your children that can affect their long term future.
The Community Gardens & Workshops @ Holme Farm project is gaining momentum and while still waiting for DEFRA’s approval for the land are now moving to register as a Charity and thanks to all the votes, you’ve given, have been invited, by Surrey County Council’s Community Projects Fund, to move to Stage 2 of the Your Fund Surrey grant application process.
Surrey County Council asked communities to Think Big and CGW@HF have certainly done that with the many and varied actives across 8 acres. However it is not too late and they would still appreciate your votes . If you have any ideas or want to get involved please contact them
This is the link for Your Fund Surrey
Yours faithfully,