2021 has started with no surprise keeping us in our homes and battening down the hatches for a bit longer. Winter is tough for many and we are here to tell you that you will make it through this, and you are not alone. That’s what community is about.
Although we are still not able to have any social contact, we are steadily moving through the vaccinating process and starting to feel safer again. If you have been vaccinated, please remember you still need to stay safe, wear a mask if you have to go out, and stay home as much as possible. Exercise is still important and if you can, try to get out for a walk a few times a week, if not every day.
Use this time to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill. Surrey Adult Learning is offering hundreds of online courses for you to increase your skills for a new job or hobby including painting, photography and craft making. Please see P8 for more information and their website here.
This is a good time to think about your living space, ideas on how to keep it warm and most importantly, letting the light in. Winter does affect our levels of Vitamin D so it is important to top up your Vitamin D through a good diet as it also is known to fight disease, reduce depression and boosts weight loss!
Yours faithfully,