In these uncertain times, it is natural and logical that we look to our leaders for information, guidance and support. However, thanks to our longstanding constitutional system, we are able to look beyond politicians and scientists for solace and reassurance – to the Queen herself, who represents and embodies, to so many of us, the true heart of our nation; her presence bringing new hope for the future – hope for a speedy return to normality, stability and security – the very same virtues we attribute to Her Majesty. How very exciting then, to learn recently that a Public Holiday, to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, on 5th June 2022 has been declared – as an opportunity for all of us to reunite and openly celebrate together as one national again – hurrah!
As one who was centrally involved in the Magna Carta 800th Anniversary celebrations and the creation of the Runnymede Queen Elizabeth II statue, from original concept to its erection in 2015, I am delighted at the prospect of Her Majesty’s statue playing its part in the coming Jubilee celebrations
To those of you unfamiliar with this magnificent bronze sculpture, let me enlighten you: –
The statue stands proudly on the banks of the River Thames at Runnymede Pleasure Grounds, on the very meadows on which King John sealed the Magna Carta, on 15th June 1215. This work of art was conceived and commissioned as a tribute to our Queen, in grateful recognition of her outstanding service to the nation; purposely sited to remind visitors of the enduring and harmonious relationship that exists between Crown and State, established and defined by the events that took place on this historic site 805 years ago. That document, Magna Carta, became universally acknowledged as synonymous with the ideals of justice and freedom; this fame extending to the site itself, for the name Runnymede is equally internationally well known as the birthplace of democracy and freedom.
Supporting the fast-growing movement towards ‘outdoor education’ the site includes a timeline, engraved in stone, of British history from Saxon times to the present day, offering an uplifting and informative rest stop to those visiting the site. Indeed, the entire Elizabeth II/Magna Carta project was motivated by the desire to bring a closer understanding of our great history to the general public.
From its conception, the project proved to be very challenging, but, despite setbacks, the required goals were set and met, and the schedule maintained; all the required funding having been successfully raised from private sources from both home and abroad. The statue, the work of the renowned sculptor, James Butler, was completed on time, and the deadline for the unveiling ceremony on 14th June 2015 (the day before the full Magna Carta festivities were to take place) was met, whereupon invited dignitaries from across the world joined politicians, friends and donors, to celebrate the event. I, then Mayor of Runnymede, joined with John Bercow, then Speaker of the House of Commons, to unveil her Majesty’s statue depicting her in full Garter ceremonial robes. For me, a lifetime’s dream realised!
The Runnymede Magna Carta Legacy – the charity set up to administer the project – is now concentrating its efforts on the future and is currently engaged in introducing a QR Code digital system, whereby, with the use of an app and smartphone, visitors to the site will be able to connect with the historical timeline and interact with the events being monitored. Hopefully, this system will be operational by Spring 2021.
Should you not have already done so, I hope I have inspired you to visit Her Majesty’s statue, a very worthwhile outing for families or groups, even in these winter months.
As residents of this Borough, we are all heirs of this legacy and therefore all have a right to bask in its fame. I, naturally, consider the statue as depicting and honouring our Queen, but I also see it as our “Queen of Runnymede” presiding over this wonderful area of Surrey we all know as home.
Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!